Bernd 09/30/2024 (Mon) 13:42 No.52436 del
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Let's take a short look at the Orbán-government's tax policies.
In 2022 a government decree introduced a new type of tax which they call extra profit tax. They were saying that the due to the these years of crises actually resulted in profit for certain sectors of the economy, a profit that they not calculated with, so they'll take some of that.
Couple of days ago came to my attention that they are talking about this again, that the banks and insurance companies pocketed extra dough this year, so they'll have to pay the extra profit tax.
I don't know about the banks, but last year, 2023 February, our govt. issued another decree regulating insurances, giving an extra window for people to switch companies and make other insurance contracts, starting with 2024, in March-April.
So starting this year in the Fidesz-media for sure (perhaps on the other side too), there was a campaign of ads, infomertials, interviews with professionals about this opportunity - driving up attention, and demand for insurance and signing new contracts. With demand the price also got higher, and lo, insurance companies pocketed "extra profit".
And now our government, donning a Robin Hood cap, swoops in and takes the moneybags from the rich - seriously their communication very much paints this picture. Hilarious.