Bernd 10/22/2024 (Tue) 08:54 No.52512 del
(148.87 KB 1280x720 Matt.jpg)
(70.41 KB 1080x912 australia-hungary.jpg)
(699.54 KB 1000x1413 straya-cunt.png)
I'm posting this here, because this fugging conflict led me to find his videos, which I watch almost on daily basis (similarly to DPA). On some level it's amazing, on other it's scary how people living on the other side of the planet can effect our daily lives, our thoughts, our decisions. I put this one in the amazing box.

The day of the surgery is coming up for this bloke from this place and I'm looking forward to his inevitable return so I can get informed about Ukraine, the capital of Keev and listen to his hiccups - oh my God, because lightning does not strike into stinging nettle, he will come out of this unscathed.
The lightning of the brain tumor had struck him years ago, only because in reality Matt is the tallest fucking ash tree on that bloody continent, and I mean it. I wish his compatriots on that other board would take him as an inspiration and I try to take inspiration too. He is a bloody legend, and I hope he has a great week, every week.

It's not easy to catch a good screenshot of a talking man.