Anonymous 05/10/2016 (Tue) 23:37:56 No. 180 del
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MAcross 7 is really campy and is more about hijinks with the cast than an overreaching plot. But the story, if you cut out 70% of the show which is filler, is that the origin story of the movie is seen as canon and music can take the monsters that drove the protoculture to the brink of destruction. Music also will be able to save the Macross 7 fleet so they can find a planet to settle on.

No it doesn't break any pacifistic concepts, Basara and crew seek to end conflict through music alone.

It probably was the turning point for Macross to be be a campy mess about peace through alternative means and while not being the worst (that goes to delta) it can be blamed for the road we're on now.

There will never be anything like the original Macross or Orguss, it's a shame but thank fuck they were made so we can enjoy them time and again.