Violated Hero 01/08/2016 (Fri) 21:29:39 Id: afda44 No. 506 del
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>Go to Wonderland high school.

>Meet a cute loli devil girl

>"Hey little girl, are you lost?" I've asked.

>"I'm Principal Red Queen, and you better not talk to me like that again unless you want to keep your head." She said.

>Taking homeroom with Ms. Jabberwock, she seems nice.

>Cheshire Cat is the girl that sits next to me, she used to have long hair. Short hair is cute on her.

>Cheshire usually gets in trouble with the School staff due to her mischievous behavior.

>Ms. Jabberwock normally scolds her and Principal Red Queen threatens to take her head.

>Cheshire detaches her head and tells the Red Queen "Go on, take it" just to piss the principal off.

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