Interested in making a MG RPG Violated Hero 01/03/2016 (Sun) 23:41:51 Id: a6e77b No. 67 del
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Okay, fuck it. Since Josh cannot computer, I'll blow my load and post this while we're stuck here.

I made a thread a few days ago where I said I wanted to create a MG fantasy setting to compare with MGE. At first I was thinking it would all be conveyed as a book, but now that I think about it, Monster Girls are still a bold new frontier that can be explored in many different ways. So instead, I want to try something else.

A game. Specifically, an RPG in the vein of something like Shin Megami Tensei. You would play a male character with a party consisting entirely of monster girls (you yourself don't fight, because fuck RPGs that force a main character to stay in the party) and pick up more girls as you progress through the main quest and do side quests. It would have a romance system that lets you get closer with the girls and unlock lewd scenes with them, eventually leading up to a sex scene.

I can make the game itself (RPG maker is piss-easy to use) and write all the dialogue. All I would need is a drawfag or two backing me up.