Violated Hero 01/11/2016 (Mon) 16:32:37 Id: eb69b4 No. 682 del
>Know a cute short haired Cheshire girl
>She likes to mess with people by using her powers
>Her powers are levitation, invisibility and magically detaching her own body parts.

>Cheshire and I live together
>One time when I was painting the walls, I've asked her to lend me a hand
>Cheshire that was lazily floating around literally detached her left arm and gave it to me.
>She even tried trading heads with a Dullahan once. (Dullahan obviously refused)

>It's not all bad, when she was cooking the other day, she magically detached from her lower half.
>I fucked her lower half in the room while she cooks in the kitchen (That ass sure likes to hop on me, I tell ya)
>Weird thing about it is that Cheshire's lower half is more sex crazed and her top half is more docile when separated.

>When Cheshire is invisible, watch out
>When I go to bed: SURPRISE RAPE!
>When I go to take a shower: SURPRISE RAPE!
>When I go to the bathroom: SURPRISE HANDJOB!

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