Anonymous 08/21/2024 (Wed) 10:27 No.3573 del
>people who drop out vs people who cannot pass
That's pretty much a semantic distinction imo, whether they drop out or cannot pass their classes the end result is the same (they drop out) and they are counted in the drop out group.
Also I've found why the elementary classes cohort was bigger before, we've had a 6+3 educational system for elementary, but now it's just 9 years, so the 6+3 numbers looked better for the 6 but the 6+3 as a whole had ~15-20% dropout rate, and the last available years are 2 covid ones so I guess 30% at those is kind of understandable...
Wish I've had more recent statistics, maybe I should inquire to the office of statistics to make their life harder LMAO
Yea same here. Though you are not exactly legally allowed to work at 15, well there's a very limited subset of jobs that you can do, so basically most kids go further with education or they go vocational school.

I do not like the latest germ so I'll post a bit older one