Anonymous 08/25/2024 (Sun) 17:27 No.3892 del
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Attaching, call me when the trend at least stagnates.
>Companies will always chase profits and thus will decrease pay
This is happening across the board, not IT specific.
>implementing AI tools
So I guess suddenly you believe that AI will actually get good enough to replace people? But fr, I have no idea if it will but if it will software devs are not the only ones that will lose jobs.

I genuinely don't think software devs are going anywhere but up for at least 10-20 years, maybe, maybe when the market for software reaches peak saturation (which will still take a lot of time), will we see some trend reversal but that's assuming that devs will suddenly start writing good code that doesn't fucking break all the time after a few years because someone somewhere pushed an update to windows and everything shits itself.
;_; Actual sad, another one...