Anonymous 08/25/2024 (Sun) 22:06 No.3915 del
I think I had these dips a lot when I was younger. I think I got cured of them when I first moved to uni, after about 3 weeks I broke down to a roommate about how I worried literally nobody liked me, and she reassured me in a way that only an attractive redhead girl hugging you can.

Thank you, you saved me.

But more seriously, even taking the nekos for an example, you guys tolerate me, dare I say even like me given you keep showing up to me streaming random shitty games. And I have been not the best person in my time here, how many hours have some of you wasted trying to give me genuine advice to loose wait that I have never stuck with? It would be more than fair for some of you to dislike me, and yet you don't. You guys are my frens :D