Anonymous 08/28/2024 (Wed) 09:14 No.4052 del
I've been so confused. I dreamt that someone made a video praising Boni and her work and in that they showed this few minute long edit that Boni had made of her recording the nature around her house with some nice music accompanying. When I saw the video talking about this tok I went "huh, strange. I haven't ever seen that tok? Maybe it's in my folders" and went to search for it in them. Couldn't find shit. I then went to the tiktok site to look it up... nothing. Not on youtube, not on google, duckduckgo. I was proper confused.
I forgot that had happened until just now when I remembered the dream but for some reason I wasn't able to realize that it was all a dream as it was happening.
Anyways I'm not a big fan of the miku toks but for some reason she kinda looks like Emiru in them