Reader 11/06/2024 (Wed) 19:05 Id: f0be4a No.23108 del
HELL OF AN UPDATE: Ever since Donald Trump won the election late last night, we have been seeing major global retreats! I'll name a few right now.... of right now the Yemen Houthis rebel leader has come out publicly saying they are now FINISHED bombing cargo ships for "self-defense" and will no longer engage in belligerence..... Ukraine's military has just begun to PULL OUT of the Kursk region in Russia ending that offensive..... China has offered to make PEACE with America even over the brewing Taiwan situation..... and now the violent Antifa mob is getting arrested in SMACK DOWN raids.... the world is now paying attention to We The People, because We The People were so pissed off we decided to elect TRUMP once again to fix all this mess! ....I do not know what is going to happen between Israel and Iran... but you know what I do notice right now? Neither of those two countries are saber rattling right now!

Now we'll just have to wait and see. I hope I remain correct that the world is now ready to deescalate over a very disgruntled America.