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World Leaders Congratulate Donald Trump On Winning US Presidency Reader 11/06/2024 (Wed) 16:43 Id: f0be4a [Preview] No. 23107
World Leaders Congratulate Donald Trump On Winning US Presidency

Reactions from world leaders have begun to pour in, congratulating Donald Trump on winning the presidency again.

Decision Desk HQ has projected that Trump will return to the White House, being the first president to win nonconsecutive terms since Grover Cleveland in 1892.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was the first world leader to congratulate him. “Dear Donald and Melania Trump, Congratulations on history’s greatest comeback!” Netanyahu posted on social media.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy also congratulated Trump, who has called for a resolution between Ukraine and Russia amid the latter’s invasion of the former. “I appreciate President Trump’s commitment to the ‘peace through strength’ approach in global affairs. This is exactly the principle that can practically bring just peace in Ukraine closer. I am hopeful that we will put it into action together,” he posted on X.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said in a social media post “I warmly congratulate Donald J. Trump. The EU and the US are more than just allies. We are bound by a true partnership between our people, uniting 800 million citizens. So let’s work together on a strong transatlantic agenda that keeps delivering for them.”

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer, who belongs to the left-wing Labour Party, congratulated Trump on a “historic election victory.”

Xi Jingpin of China says they hope for a “peaceful coexistence” with the United States. “We respect the choice of the American people.”

NATO Secretary-General Mark Rutte congratulated Trump. “I just congratulated @realDonaldTrump on his election as President of the United States. His leadership will again be key to keeping our Alliance strong. I look forward to working with him again to advance peace through strength through NATO,” he posted on X.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi sent his best wishes to Trump, saying “Heartiest congratulations my friend [Donald Trump] on your historic election victory. As you build on the successes of your previous term, I look forward to renewing our collaboration to further strengthen the India-US Comprehensive Global and Strategic Partnership. Together, let’s work for the betterment of our people and to promote global peace, stability and prosperity.”

Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban, a longtime ally of Trump, said on X that the election result was “the biggest comeback in US political history.” He congratulated Trump “on his enormous win,” and said it is a “much-needed victory for the World!”

Polish President Andrzej Duda also took to X to congratulate Trump. “You made it happen!” he said.

Latvian President Edgars Rinkēvičs posted on X that he “looks forward to working with you to strengthen bilateral relations and transatlantic partnership. Europe needs strong US and US needs strong Europe. Latvia is and will be a strong and reliable partner of the US.”

“I hope to closely cooperate with President-elect Trump to further elevate Japan-US alliance and relations to even higher levels,” Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba told reporters, saying he hoped to speak to the president-elect soon.


Reader 11/06/2024 (Wed) 19:05 Id: f0be4a [Preview] No.23108 del
HELL OF AN UPDATE: Ever since Donald Trump won the election late last night, we have been seeing major global retreats! I'll name a few right now....

....as of right now the Yemen Houthis rebel leader has come out publicly saying they are now FINISHED bombing cargo ships for "self-defense" and will no longer engage in belligerence..... Ukraine's military has just begun to PULL OUT of the Kursk region in Russia ending that offensive..... China has offered to make PEACE with America even over the brewing Taiwan situation..... and now the violent Antifa mob is getting arrested in SMACK DOWN raids.... the world is now paying attention to We The People, because We The People were so pissed off we decided to elect TRUMP once again to fix all this mess! ....I do not know what is going to happen between Israel and Iran... but you know what I do notice right now? Neither of those two countries are saber rattling right now!

Now we'll just have to wait and see. I hope I remain correct that the world is now ready to deescalate over a very disgruntled America.

Reader 11/07/2024 (Thu) 03:42 Id: 7f1f62 [Preview] No.23112 del
A kike's a kike. Fuck all kikes. It'll be more of the same like his first term. Seriously. Stop forgetting where you are.
>Yemen Houthis
Why are we celebrating the end of anti Israel groups now?

Reader 11/11/2024 (Mon) 03:49 Id: 990223 [Preview] No.23129 del
That's like funny right? haha He's carrying garbage bags with people's faces on it. That's a funny joke I guess. Is he volunteering to take garbage bags out? Is he a trash guy now?

I don't get it. He looks really tired in that photo though.

> I hope I remain correct that the world is now ready to deescalate over a very disgruntled America.
We have archived threads from years back about him. He won't do anything. Except cuck out like the last time. Or tell us to drink cleaning detergent/bleach like he did when COVID happened. (yes that was a thing)

>Now we'll just have to wait and see.
>just have to wait and see.
>wait and see.

Here we go again /pol/ & /news/

Reader 11/11/2024 (Mon) 14:07 Id: f0be4a [Preview] No.23133 del
>We have archived threads from years back about him. He won't do anything.

Probably true anon, and even when Trump does want to correct something the establishment media, along with Dems and neo-con RINOs will do everything in their power to corrupt the process, just like during Covid plandemic when Trump left it up to individual States and jurisdictions to make those decisions. It'll happen the same way for the next 4 years, Trump not getting much done and when he tries to do something good, sabotage and lying propaganda will blast the airwaves again and again and again.

Now a question for the /news/ moderator here, a serious question. Should I continue to post news during Trump's presidency or would you rather not have any news at all about Trump?

Reader Board owner 11/11/2024 (Mon) 19:36 Id: 7f1f62 [Preview] No.23135 del
It's very simple. >>23114 And I've given an example of what not to do >>23125
>Your /news/ is allowed to say what he's doing. Your /news/ is allowed to suggest whatever the effects are.
>Your /news/ will not praise a jew, no matter which jew that is.
>If you're confused about what I'm talking about, it means no more "Trump good".
>If that's how you feel, stay unbiased.

"when he tries to do something good, sabotage and lying propaganda will blast the airwaves again and again and again."
You're stuck in a certain kind of mindset. Still believing a jewish conman. If you can't stop doing this, choke it down and don't post that bias here on /news/. Keep in mind: Every time a Trump thread is posted that is not exposing him, it will be thus decorated with how much of a kike he is. The same has been done about Biden.

Reader 11/11/2024 (Mon) 19:38 Id: 7f1f62 [Preview] No.23136 del
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There is no Red or Blue here. There is us vs jews.

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