Anonymous 06/07/2019 (Fri) 12:31:04 Id: ce3ded No.72080 del
OP here again, wishing for to discuss a little on the subject of the groundings of a leader.

In Revolt Against The Modern World, Evola mentions one of the key things for a leader to have is something akin to a divine right. The purpose of this is to cement his leadership beyond what one could possibly term the "physical plane" (I am loathe to use that phrase as it mostly corresponds to modern corruptions of spirituality but it's the only analogue I can think of at this moment). I can certainly see the appeal in this for the modern man is severely lacking in anything beyond the material, the consumption based lives they lead hollow and vaccous so offering something higher could be appealing if applied right but the question is how could such a concept be utilised beyond the classic trappings of modern semetic Christianity or one of it's more openly vile cousins.

This "divine right" can take many forms, be it an origin story (see Wotan/Odin and so forth for examples) or some claim of direct communion with a higher power (see modern semetic religions as examples of this) so if one were to contemplate on how to adapt it, what would be the most effective method. I've heard it argued that Adolf himself, while not using this method directly, was considered a man worthy of adulation despite being merely an average gentleman in appearence so one must ask if it was his oratory that led to him being held in such high regard. If one reads his speeches with the correct translations it can be clearly seen his words have a power to them, include a passionate delivery it becomes obvious how it could illicit greatness in the hearts of men and thus it could be argued this was his "divine power" as it were, to lift the soul. I however believe there is something beyond this however. A glance over National Socialist propaganda shows it did not focus on him as a great leader nor any specific of the party itself but of the unbending will of his people, inspiring images of men building and creating, women being the matriarch and providing succor. It could of been easy to paint him as some grand hero in the public eye, warp him to a facsimile of a truly powerful Germanic male and yet in paintings of him it is not power that is portrayed but simply a man of decent bearing. Therefore we must look beyond the singular confines of what we percieve to be leadership in this current epoch which would be a focus on a mere man (Trump is a recent and ill fated example of this) and consider what the man himself is doing.