Anonymous 06/23/2019 (Sun) 00:25:31 Id: 17280b No.72184 del
>I respect Scottish Dawn, mainly because I'm a Scot by blood and it disgusts me to learn what's becoming of Scotland
The situation facing Scotland is quite dire, I retreated to a more secluded forgotten spot in the south west of these darkened isles but i've been keeping up with what affairs I can. Scotland, as it stands, has condemned itself. It's choice is either stand with the SNP who are insistent on joining the EU and we all know how diversified it will find itself in that event thanks to the cash for migrants deals the semites will push (not that Sturgeon would need pushing). The other is follow Westminister who will do to the Scots what they did to the English; complete identity erasure. It's only a matter of time until Robert the Bruce or some such figure is hung from the branches of equality as a heretic. Also the state of speech up there is appalling from all reports, arrests for merely revving an engine "threateningly" at a Muslim and such. Throw in the finances being centralised to Edinburgh and it's a real shit show, most villages and poorer suburbs are now either being abandoned, filled with migrants or drugs or both in many cases.

Wales and N. Ireland seem fairly forgotten compared to Scotland in all of this but thats hardly surprising. Considering how industry was executed in Wales, all thats left is rotting small villages left to suffer or a blood rivalry in N. Ireland fermented by traitors on each side. Mixed in between all of this is groups of "Loyalists" beseeching for unity under the banner of the Union Jack who fail to understand the Empire lays dead and we will too unless we reforge either as brothers in a united cause (actual brothers, not singular control from the cesspit of London) or individual countries finding their own future. I would rather unity with true power sharing rather than singular power but I know I am an outlier with such thinking thusly I would happily settle for complete dissolution. I know the wounds run deep and the sins we English carry are indeed heavy, trust must be earned by a hand of friendship rather than the bloodied blade our "leaders" once enjoyed. Whether we can either regain our honour and nobility to earn such trust for a truly unified Britain is a question i've not been able to answer for some years now.

As an aside, a mans blood will always yearn for his far off homelands and you honour your lineage by respecting it as you do. I do not know if it helps but I will be visiting some of the western islands of Scotland later in the year (Jura etc), if you so wish I can leave a message or a marker on your behalf (I would advise it be ambigious) in a region. I know in these dark times we can feel isolated from our history so if you would like something recorded and placed in a quiet corner I will endeavour to do so. All I ask is if you do wish it, it should be something not identifiable directly. Even the most careful of men can be caught out with a single careless word or item.