07/15/2019 (Mon) 10:57:08
Id: dc75e2
Have faith in your nobility. The European Man is an exemplar of what an unbridled spirit can achieve. Forging nations anew. Scientific feats thought impossible. Turning dreams to reality. We are the sons of men who fought and survived countless dark hours. You may believe yourself weakened or corrupted in some form by this modern age, mayhaps have surrendered in one aspect or another to modern degeneracy currently or in the past. But below that hidden away is the spirit of European nobility. Take heart in that and hold faith in that part of you for it is that faith in yourself and your forefathers that can help you conquer any semetic poisons inflicted upon you. Be noble in aspect and spirit, embrace it for that is not merely your birthright but your very nature.
Have faith in your brothers. You are not alone in this conflict even if it can feel so. All around Europe and her far flung colonolies there are men much like you, seeing the stagnation of our future and the tendrils that are burrowing into it to poison it further. Together we will build a new tomorrow. Every small action, be it a simple meme on social media or a propaganda sticker in a bars lavatory, builds the tiniest bit of momentum. Some have moved past that and are attempting other things but every action of resistance shines a light towards truth and thusly it should not be discouraged. We will march on, alone for now but soon arm in arm. Our aim, European brotherhood, demands we strive. Demands we struggle for the very lifeblood of our people. Together we will build a future worthy of our sons and daughters. Together we shall retake our destiny and build a better tomorrow, this I *know* for history has told this story before. The players are different and the enemies tools are changed but there is one thing that is the same; Us. We of the lost generations march on, we have watched our nations and civilisation die ignobly. It is time to regain faith in ourselves, the brothers who walk with us and in the spirit of our people.
Until victory be won.