Anonymous 10/09/2019 (Wed) 00:52:38 Id: 895acb No.75849 del
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Oh and to "head it off at the pass" as they say, yes be mindful of the brands of water you buy due to the plastic bottles holding them (although this rule applies to *all* bottled drinks generally). Nestlé had a brief stint of fame for their bottles literally rotting into the fluids on store shelves and I shouldn't have to tell you of the dangers of plastic fibers within a human system. Yes, I know *all* plastic bottles pose a problem however buying mineral water in glass bottles is prohibitively expensive therefore unfeasible for most. We must operate within reality, not a fantasy where one can buy fourteen liters of Voss water a week. Oh and never buy "artisinal" mineral water, it is literally a meme designed for the stupid and those with too much money.

Milk is and shall always be excellent for you and if you can find it, unhomogenized is most excellent indeed. Needless to say, the homogenized and pasteurised milk most places stock is a rather far cry from the proper stuff which makes any benefits from it far more limited than what one could consider closer to the source. Also do not buy the half fat or minimal fat milk concept, it's essentially the watered down version, you want full milk with the least tampering possible, even if overweight. I do know the argument against milk is fairly well presented and if you do have a counter do not hesitate to share but as a general rule I have few qualms with it on it's own, as in everything drink in moderation. Yes our bodies *can* struggle with it depending on certain issues but it's benefits at this juncture outweigh the negatives for most.

Fruit juices are moderately passable however you must bear in mind two things. One, they are full of sugar, often more than most carbonated beverages and secondly your natural diet would not have access to all fruits all times of the year, while they can be useful to supplement diets with vitamins and other benefits they are not a crutch to rely on. Downing a liter of Orange juice a day is not a healthy diet, it is merely an alternative to downing that two liter bottle of coke.

Regarding alcohol, beyond the vital rule of moderation, there are a few things to remember. Firstly, if you do not enjoy alcohol or just drink to be social then just skip alcohol all together. There is no purpose to it and it is far too easy for a good man to fall to it's numbing effects, it is a burden more than a joy for most. It is a greater man who rejects it outright than a man who raises a glass just to fit in.