Anonymous 10/09/2019 (Wed) 00:53:25 Id: 895acb No.75850 del
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But for those who partake of these beverages, let us begin. Beers, IPA's and the like are indeed poor for you. The "man breasts" from certain chemicals does hold a modicum of truth to it and generally they are just hard for you to digest. It would be worthwhile just removing them all together if you intend to go full /sig/ but for some it is a small concession to enjoy a cold beer after a long day so I won't go too hard on it. Unless of course it's cider in which case unless your living a very active lifestyle and able to burn calories at an expedited rate you should just avoid. It's pure sugar and to be honest good ciders are just so hard to find these days that it's worth just cutting them completely. Most grain based beverages as a general rule are not the best for you which indeed includes the ever popular whiskey but very careful moderation means you can mayhaps have them once in a while but if you have regular social gatherings it is wise to just avoid all together. "Good" alcohols, or rather those with the least detrimental effects, would be Brandys, Cognacs, Red Wines (not the cheaper ones though bear in mind), certain Vodkas. My advice overall concerning alcohol is simple; do not drink to fit in nor to forget, if you wish to imbibe it just buy a middle to high end bottle of something nice that doesn't turn once opened (I personally enjoy a nice bottle of AugĂ­er brandy that lasts a couple of months) and maybe have a glass every friday night, just one to savour as you unwind. Something to drink slowly, not something to down to drown out any concerns you may be having. It is too easy for a man to fall into this trap and frankly I feel uncomfortable even discussing alcohol but it is a subject sometimes touched upon in some circles.

There are other drinks which can be suggested beyond this basic primer, for instance I recall a discussion on Kefir which was interesting with it's gut bacteria and the ability to homebrew quite easily but that's out of my area of expertise so if anyone has a screencap of those kind of recipes of suggestions it would be helpful.

- So now we move onto the more malleable section, food. This in an ironic twist is far more simple; actually learn to cook. Now I do not mean learn some fine French cuisine or mastering some complex dish but rather advocate three simple rules;

Use fresh ingredients
Make the dish simple
Do not be afraid of failure

Now often you'll find when a man finishes work or seeks a quick snack he will seek the simple and easy, he has become accustomed to being lazy and will gladly devour any reprocessed garbage from a plastic bag no matter how disgusting it is. He lives in what one could term a "hyper reality" where instead of looking at the chicken tendie or nugget as the poorest cuts of meat from a hormone injected chicken mushed together with countless other chemicals then coated in cheap fats and breadcrumb, he will instead see a delicious piece of golden chicken and his gormless mouth will open and devour it, offering praise to his semetic overseers for such a fine offering as he was told he would get in their advertising. This is the bane of the modern mans diet, this illusion. True food, real food, must be crafted by yourself. So where to begin? Should you throw out everything in the freezer and make your own garden patch where everything is fresh and proudly tended to regularly. Well, yes, but let us be realistic here, only a few will go that far so a balance must be struck for those who will not (although you really should, it is quite a pleasant sensation cooking your own home grown ingredients).