Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 03:40:25 Id: fa31c1 No.75924 del
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Decent posts, yet again. I hope you're spreading this message across multiple locations. As many have complained and I'm willing to admit, this board has minimal traffic. The shills must be outed even when numbers dwindle. There's no way around that, otherwise the board falls to degeneracy.

On the subject of he who believes himself unique and individual, I believe the concept of the parasitic psychiatrists pushing the ego is a major problem with that. To counter it, these drones as you called them need to be re-taught that they are not just a "self". Our people are us. We are our people. That there is no good to come of separating from our ancestral backgrounds and denying our heritage.
Antifa as reliant drones, yes. I have had conversations with Communists. They don't believe as we do that they're subversive, hateful, destructive footsoldiers of ZOG. In their minds, they believe they're "doing the right thing". In Universities where Communist professors are indoctrinating impressionable minds, the often-times jewish instructor impresses on them that the system is bad and there must be a revolution to fight it. The enemies they're taught to fear of course, are "Nazis" but they've no idea what National Socialism even is. There's only a cloud of lies to fuddle their minds with. They're taught "history has lied about Lenin he was really a good person" bullshit and the same about Karl Marx. Should the indoctrinated youth discover the fact that the last Tsar was brutally butchered by the Bolsheviks along with his entire family and servants, he or she is told that the Tsar was an evil man and there "had to be collateral damage". The mass starvation of Holodomor lied about as a "famine they had no control of" etc. Excuses abound. Constant semetic interference with every breath the parasite breathes into words being lies, but lies which (you're right) they do shape their minds, bodies and spirits towards the foul Communist way of thinking. I have converted a few. The way to reach them is not to declare the most logical choice of loyalty to National Socialism. That must come later after the light of true words shine through into their poisoned minds. I have attended Universities under Marxist jewish professors and passed through the fire of their deceptions. Can't say I came out unscathed. More that I came out furious at the filth being peddled. As you said, both sides of those aware vs. the parasite and their puppets will reach critical mass; I believe it will happen only as a mirror of the history of the Weimar Republic before Hitler took power. When no-one can buy bread and the rich no longer have any control due to the paper that is money finally devolving into what it always was. Nothing but garbage. The frog in the pot analogy. Gradually increase the heat, and the frog cooks alive. When heat increases instantly, it jumps out. The same will happen towards those whom instantly lose their luxuries and can't afford to survive. They'll be pissed. Following the illusion of semetic lies will no longer be a solution to them. Survival instincts should lead them back to proper thinking. I'm not promoting accelerationism here. I'm speaking of inevitability. Critical mass is bound to happen, as it has throughout history when the tribe has been involved. Nations have always eventually grown wise to their tricks and cast them out.
Nobility has it's place, but the meaning must not be misunderstood. One who is noble cannot hold onto their kingdom and people by letting foreign invasions tread on their lands. Nobility, historically, never survived or conquered without wise strategic maneuvers. Some lone shooters here and there dispatching very few of the low-hanging fruit of common negroes in shopping malls, arabs in mosques and parasites in a synagogue are never planning for the bigger picture. The larger prizes. All they're doing is allowing ZOG to increase their stranglehold through mock calls for sympathy of their kind against both European and displaced European American citizens.