Anonymous 03/02/2020 (Mon) 02:36:53 Id: 33d146 No.78816 del
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Your quite right on the viral situation but there are a few variables that may be problematic long term. There are also those with families and those who have fallen for propaganda, part of our duty must be offering what guidance we can for them. There's a lot of scared people out there, be them young, old, peak of fitness or poorly, as long as their our people we must offer what we can to calm them and give them hope and strength.

So, onto a topic of the Corona outbreak or COVID 19 or whichever current name they have to detract from it's source and effects. What I intend to do here is tackle this in three specific sections. There are as follows;

- What the virus is and isn't as well as it's potentiality and limitations

- Immediate short term and probable long term effects of the outbreak and how to theoretically mitigate them as well as cover a few more outlandish situations just for the sake of covering them

- Practical information and guides on how to deal with it and how to ensure the safety of loved ones and those that look to you for guidance.

Now I want to mention I am going to apprehensively include some rudimentary infographs and such in these posts. Yes they are more themed towards those more /k/ mindsets however practical guides can be of use and sometimes can offer a sense of security for those who haven't seen them before. Some of the guides are oddly excessive but I find it best just to accommodate their zeal.

Let us begin. Firstly, just what is this virus. The first thing to deal with is the "just a flu" propaganda that the WHO and it's lackluster servants were pushing. We must also discount the apocalyptic predictions of social media "savants" who proclaim this is the End of Days and that you should buy this or that, it will surely help you deal with this viral apocalypse. What is happening is undeniably an unprecedented event with ten percent of the global population quarantined and twenty five percent of global industry crippled. Yes, the ramifications of China's little pet virus are quite significant. We have not in human history seen something of this scale occur so I would advise we be wary but calm about this situation.

Symptoms of COVID-19 are;

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