Anonymous 03/02/2020 (Mon) 03:32:42 Id: 3d608d No.78825 del
On top of what this anon has shared, I am a researcher in the healing properties of natural components, from spices to herbs and plants. Something important that may be considered is the effect of synergistic compounds--that is, compounds that fulfill a similar purpose, i.e., turmeric and ginger (cayenne as well but it is a pepper and thus a nightshade) target inflammation. Although they may be synergistic however, they also have hundreds of different uses. It takes an effective strategy in registering their properties within the body, so to not counteract any potential healing that is exhibited by their essential uses.

•Black Pepper: Good for clearing the esophageal lining and clearing excess mucous. Contains beta-caryophyllene, a sesquiterpene that is also within rosemary and hops (and of course, cannabis sativa).
•Iodine: Helps regulate the thyroid gland, providing hormones that effectively repairs damaged cells. Has several uses aside from this, has largely been excluded from water and salt to contribute to a sicker population. Good to have on hand.