Anonymous 06/27/2020 (Sat) 18:15:45 Id: b3007e No.80922 del
>Have a plan
Build a realistic plan of progress, set your goals appropriately
>Visualize your success
Have a clear picture of what your end goal is, as well as any intermidiate goal, to remind yourself in moments of weakness
>Investigate whatever is your objective is, and how to reach it
>Don't use excuses to put off doing stuff
Don't bullshit yourself out of working towards your goal
>Come to terms you may need to permanently quit some stuff
There's things you might like doing and consuming that are not good for you. For example going no fap, come to terms with the idea of never doing it again, and similarly to any unhealthy habit.
>Find why you want to improve, find a ultimate purpose
Mine is to be a True European Man, to be the absolute me, reach my zenith and transcend myself, never stopping improving
>The work is never done
You will always find something to improve, be it your own person, in acquiring a new skill, or improving in one you already posses. The road of self improvement is never ending, but you'll learn to take pride in your struggle and a job well done.