I cannot seek validation in this work for in our corner our ways of thinking can often be disparate and varied but it is the feeling of actually helping that grants the soul some give satisfaction, it means the lessons learned from Men greater than I in past times still hold sway over good Men today. It gives hope. Every blow, every word against the parasite, every painting, every creation that stands against this age of horrors that is a creation of the true European spirit is another small beacon of light holding back the eternal night of semetic victory. In the service of our people creation is perhaps the greatest thing, the unquenchable spirit that the parasite keeps failing to destroy. It need not be grand nor world shaking, it need not be graceful nor technically skilled, all it need be is from the European soul, from the racial underpinnings that is our foundation. To touch that part of ourselves, to even stare too deeply into it is daunting, in some ways it could be considered a gift from the divine within ourselves, it is to embrace something intrinsically without understanding it for we are but Men and creativity is ephemeral. Instead we must channel it, let that power of creation flow into us as our forefathers once did, to seek joy within what we ourselves can forge in service to something beyond just ourselves. This is how I found joy again, this is how I found peace, how all of us can find peace in a troubled world. When the bleak world feels crushing for a brief moment all of us can find joy and pride in doing something worthwhile. In service to ourselves. In service to our families. In service to our people.