But there is something that transcends even these mighty symbols and noble ideals, something that echoes far beyond the troubles of this dire age. Who we are. The American. The Brit. The French, the German, the Italian, the Spaniard, the Polish, the Hungarian, the Romanian, the Swede, the Dutch, every last nation within our colonies and our homelands, they are all bound by one thing that can never be undone. One pivotal marker brings each of these peoples together with one vital and virtuous aspect. We are all European. We are all of one people, one beautiful and noble group. So I ask you, live in that sense that you are European. You are not beholden to the European Union nor colonial governments, you are not beholden to cowards within our occupied systems, you are beholden to your brother. To the kin at your side in this dire hour. To our people who suffer at the hands of our occupied governments, to our brothers in distant lands who suffer as we do, to our children, to our family and the greater family of our people. All must be lifted as one lest we all fall disunited and disgruntled to the hordes at our gates and the vipers in our beds. We are one people. We must sweep aside convention, we must sweep aside the failures of the past. Let us learn from our forefathers and hear their words, let us stand as they once did as Men, free Men who lift their brother from their knees, who shows a world that would see them destroyed that we ourselves will never surrender. That the spirit of our people is truly indomitable. Grant unto each other the succor to fight on, grant unto them the strength and the Will to carry on for no one else will. No one else will do our duty for us and it is indeed our duty to save ourselves. To bring our people hope. To bring them a vision of a future worthy of us. Live in that sense of being European, of history, of our peoples achievements and our glory. Break the shackles of lies and ursery, tear them from your torn and bloodied wrists. Sing the song of resistance so that we all have a tomorrow. Teach them the truths forgotten, show them the lies of this age of treachery, let the light of the European spirit dispel the shadows of the semite and it's puppet underlings.