Anonymous 01/30/2022 (Sun) 15:51:15 Id: 7258ca No.86336 del
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>So the article concerning internet security is coming along fairly well, i've removed a fair chunk of it concerning the technical details as such a thing is of little concern to most, i've instead opted to include links discussing issues for the more technically minded. While it won't be January it will be early February assuming there's no drastic change in the general landscape. Instead tonight is a short off the cuff piece, one I felt needed as we are indeed in a new year now and as with the depths of winter some souls need soothing or reminding for what our duty demands of us.

It's best not to rush things and work on it to make it near perfect. Take your time anon. We're more than patient.

>, it has been a long winter and tonight I find myself full of vitriol and a fire in my heart.

Maybe it's just the season giving that feeling. It happens when you get low to no sunlight. Your mood gets worse. That's why people in Finland tend to be so depressed. Not making this up. Finland has the population of the most depressed people on earth sadly. :(