Anonymous 10/18/2023 (Wed) 20:12 Id: 3808e7 No.91292 del
(886.79 KB 635x4529 Spaniards.jpg)
Every nation's leaders these days are cucks. Felipe VI signed Sephardic ancestry granting citizenship into law October 2015. He's a simp to jews like the rest of the world. The color of their skin was the point, and as I said, you can easily search "people of Spain". They're Caucasian.
The Germanic tribes which began England before they were later led astray by jews (Churchill cucked to the FOCUS jewish group) against their own.
>Satanic Hegemony
When you posted that, this suggested you're either anti-German, anti-Aryan, brown yourself, or all three. I haven't written Blood Libels or Slanders against "the Hispanic Empire". I'm questioning whether you're deluded into thinking that was all victory for the brown Mexicans. Because it wasn't. Even pairing illegal immigrant beaners with white Spaniards as if they're the same people is nothing short of insanity.

You're on a board where Caucasians hate jews. Not brown skins hate Anglo-Saxons.