Anonymous 10/21/2023 (Sat) 05:24 Id: 0198b3 No.91345 del
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>It wasn't new land
It was discovered by Hispanics because the people living in America were told about the rest of the world, and the people in the rest of the world were told about America. This is "inventio" (discovery).

>Colon thought it was India
This is a myth. The reason America was called "India" was because there were already three "Indias":
1) Pre-gangetic India (Middle East)
2) [Infra]-gangetic India (India)
3) Post-Gangetic India (the rest of Asia)
America was the 4th India: Ultra-gangetic India.

>declare it new land despite inhabitants
That's NOT what happened. The Two Hegemonies of Europe modernized the legal codes of Native Americans (different writings, quipus, oral, etc). The Hispanic Monarchy acknowledged those lands as property of Native Americans, and Native Americans acknowledged they were citizens of the Hispanic Empire.

In Spain, you can go to our archives and read many letters between Native Americans and the King of Spain himself.

>Columbus' genealogy

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