Anon 09/20/2019 (Fri) 05:42:39 No.4635 del
I just simply improvise and wait what happens next. If you were to ask me what I am doing next week or next month,I wouldn't know what to answer with certainty. There are no plans from my part, I simply reply in order to see where all of this goes.If it has content,it doubles the fun. I am simply chilling out most of the time because if I think too much about the future,it can drive me insane and feel somewhat anxious from the inside.

Also,you are not considering that gen 5 is down the road. Nobody knows anything about where this franchise is actually going except for these last episodes.

If everything fails from now on,at least I have this year and a half of experience here and a great final season for this generation. I don't know what else one fan can ask for other than ending this generation with a really high note.

Thanks for asking anyway.