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Anon 09/20/2019 (Fri) 04:35:16 [Preview] No. 4634
What will you anons do once the show ends?
Will you guys create tulpas or try to AP to Equestria?

Anon 09/20/2019 (Fri) 05:42:39 [Preview] No.4635 del
I just simply improvise and wait what happens next. If you were to ask me what I am doing next week or next month,I wouldn't know what to answer with certainty. There are no plans from my part, I simply reply in order to see where all of this goes.If it has content,it doubles the fun. I am simply chilling out most of the time because if I think too much about the future,it can drive me insane and feel somewhat anxious from the inside.


Also,you are not considering that gen 5 is down the road. Nobody knows anything about where this franchise is actually going except for these last episodes.

If everything fails from now on,at least I have this year and a half of experience here and a great final season for this generation. I don't know what else one fan can ask for other than ending this generation with a really high note.

Thanks for asking anyway.

Anon 09/20/2019 (Fri) 15:44:06 [Preview] No.4636 del
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It'll still be quite jarring to realize that they star the same characters yet they're different and it'll be an entirely new plot with new challenges and new settings. Or maybe that's just because I've become too attached to this show and its characters. I'll miss gen 4, I really will. Also, I wouldn't count on the finale being good, seeing the leaks and all. I'm not going to spoil anything, just don't get your hopes up.

Anon 09/20/2019 (Fri) 19:33:36 [Preview] No.4637 del
>It'll still be quite jarring to realize that they star the same characters yet they're different and it'll be an entirely new plot with new challenges and new settings.
as long as Hasbro doesn´t decide to take a huge drop in quality by going back to the old gens, if the writing is decent, I won´t complain that much.

>Or maybe that's just because I've become too attached to this show and its characters.
yeah, like you have admited to yourself, it´s more of a personal bias more than anything else. However, that´s absolutely understandable considering that this gen will remind you about the golden era of MLP for the rest of your life. Copying it over and over again isn´t the best solution to replace the scars.

>I'll miss gen 4, I really will.
who wouldn´t do that? But here it´s the thing, gen 5 could make this franchise more relevant so there is a chance to keep gen 4 alive years after it´s ended. We are now living in a situation nobody expected in the first place: a post gen 4 fanbase. No wonder one would fear about lots of variables and strange new things that are coming up next.

>Also, I wouldn't count on the finale being good, seeing the leaks and all. I'm not going to spoil anything, just don't get your hopes up.
tanks for not spoiling us. I´ve preferred not to see the leaks, nor visit /mlp/ since the explosion of content nor judge these last episodes in a rushed manner. We have a thread for discussing about it and we are going really slowly instead of jumping onto quick conclusions.

I simply need time to digest the new content (even though we have already reviewed episode 17 and I have watched until episode 20) and judge it with my own analysis. I am also waiting for another anon who has been pretty busy these last weeks and whenever he post his thoughts, I focus on that single episode completely.

Anyway, don´t get all that worried because it will most likely lead from desperate dramas that you make up on your own at its worst to the lack of enjoyment of the current content at its best. I simply say that what counts the most is the fact of staying alive in order to see where this franchise goes, the capability to experience the ride at its fullest.

Anon 09/22/2019 (Sun) 00:24:15 [Preview] No.4640 del
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Stick around. Maintain /go/ and see where it goes with the board.

>Or maybe that's just because I've become too attached to this show and its characters. I'll miss gen 4, I really will
Believe me I will too anon. I'm mixed on G5; my main fear being that it'll either A) over designed fanfic woke adventure cartoon or B) back to a G3 tame state. Truth be told I'm not going to judge until I see it.

> I wouldn't count on the finale being good, seeing the leaks and all. I'm not going to spoil anything, just don't get your hopes up.
I only know of one reason of anger, but I know no context and would prefer to keep it that way for now. So thanks for not spoilering us.

...If you don't mind my asking what brings ya around this parts? Not trying to pry. Just wondering if you just bumped into us or if you have heard of us from somewhere.

Anon 09/22/2019 (Sun) 03:45:40 [Preview] No.4650 del
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I've been lurking this website for a good few years now. It's only when /pone/ (8ch) went offline that I decided to go be more active in other places. /mlp/ is basically a chaotic toxic wastebin, not to mention the spoilers, and /mlpol/ is nice but a lot of the time they seem more focused on politics than pastel horses (which makes sense, they're part pol). A lot of the other decent alternatives either seem like Ponychan ripoffs or are really good but extremely inactive. Coming here and staying for a little while seemed like a good decision.

Anon 09/22/2019 (Sun) 06:44:15 [Preview] No.4652 del
>Truth be told I'm not going to judge until I see it.

>I've been lurking this website for a good few years now.
big plot twist here. Did you post on this imageboard around 2016 when 8chan migrated over here for a little while?

>/mlp/ is basically a chaotic toxic wastebin, not to mention the spoilers
this is why we are judging the episodes slowly and without rushing the thoughts about them. Even if someone brought the spoilers onto the table, I would need to experience completely for myself in order to make it justice.

>/mlpol/ is nice but a lot of the time they seem more focused on politics than pastel horses (which makes sense, they're part pol).
I am not saying that this board is a huge exception towards that.
Let me explain this,/endpone/ has had periods of pure political topics through the generals (the show discussion ones are safe from that) and they weren´t really easy to deal with and analyze. The difference here is that politics should be a topic not only about spamming preprogammed propaganda but more like didactic material and use it as an exercise to think and try to learn, watching closely what motifs behind drive that discussion (especially the context behind the events).

This board has had a more laid back mentality because there are fewer users and as you say, /mlpol/ is more the proper target to do it. That doesn´t mean this board is free of it all the time from those topics even though we agreed to leave them aside (or at least, take a break) for a while after getting oversaturated of them during a certain month (September 2018).

>A lot of the other decent alternatives either seem like Ponychan ripoffs or are really good but extremely inactive.
well, /endpone/ has only had two/three users to keep it active. Don´t expect us to go at a rhythm of a Sonic Rainboom though (funnily enough, /endpone/ did indeed reach the first place of this site) >>3544

>Coming here and staying for a little about this place.
Well, in the end that´s up to your own judgements about this place. I simply suggest not to expect any promises.

Though it´s nice to hear those thoughts anyway.

Anon 09/22/2019 (Sun) 16:06:40 [Preview] No.4668 del
Nope, found it mid 2017. I think I posted maybe once or twice on here? I don't remember. I do remember posting on /b/ like once

Anon 09/23/2019 (Mon) 06:47:15 [Preview] No.4673 del
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>Coming here and staying for a little while seemed like a good decision.
Though I know some of the threads probably seem a bit intimidating with the long sometimes bloggy conversations, but feel free to drop in!

>A lot of the other decent alternatives either seem like Ponychan ripoffs or are really good but extremely inactive.
(cough cough mlpg.co and poni.fun cough cough)

sounds about like I would've been if I hadn't run into the other two pillars first and true BO and L23

Anon 09/24/2019 (Tue) 23:03:36 [Preview] No.4676 del
Alright. Then you had posted in the initial era of 270 posts or so. The two/three main users came right at the end of December of 2017 so definitely I haven´t seen you in action.

>some of the threads probably seem a bit intimidating with the long sometimes bloggy conversations
and those kinds of conversations don´t appear too often in the chan culture because oh boy, they go through let´s say ""sensible private"" content (I don´t know how to describe it in a general sense) that goes from direct blogs to original content and long discussions.

wasn´t that site supposed to replace /mlp/ and offer a greater level of kindness/tolerance than them? It´s quite inactive and honestly, I´d rather stick to the "no promises from my part, don´t expect them" that I have always said. Otherwise, you lead to newfags to a huge diisappointment after a while. I´d rather say: it is what you see. Imitating /mlp/ can be done at any moment but offering the same product doesn´t seem to be a good business practice either.

>I would've been if I hadn't run into the other two pillars
thanks but honestly, I think that for me at least, I was supposed to shitpost simply my favorite pictures, get bored and leave after a while....

the results shown over here definitely weren´t what I was expecting from this place...

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