Anon 09/24/2019 (Tue) 23:03:36 No.4676 del
Alright. Then you had posted in the initial era of 270 posts or so. The two/three main users came right at the end of December of 2017 so definitely I haven´t seen you in action.

>some of the threads probably seem a bit intimidating with the long sometimes bloggy conversations
and those kinds of conversations don´t appear too often in the chan culture because oh boy, they go through let´s say ""sensible private"" content (I don´t know how to describe it in a general sense) that goes from direct blogs to original content and long discussions.

wasn´t that site supposed to replace /mlp/ and offer a greater level of kindness/tolerance than them? It´s quite inactive and honestly, I´d rather stick to the "no promises from my part, don´t expect them" that I have always said. Otherwise, you lead to newfags to a huge diisappointment after a while. I´d rather say: it is what you see. Imitating /mlp/ can be done at any moment but offering the same product doesn´t seem to be a good business practice either.

>I would've been if I hadn't run into the other two pillars
thanks but honestly, I think that for me at least, I was supposed to shitpost simply my favorite pictures, get bored and leave after a while....

the results shown over here definitely weren´t what I was expecting from this place...