Anon 03/06/2020 (Fri) 16:16:28 No.5510 del
(421.28 KB 1920x1080 The Second Chance.png)
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Well,I have already uploaded it on Fimfiction. There haven´t been any problems at all (less than 12 hours) with the submission in the moderation queue.

It feels weird to upload a story of this kind, especially when one considers that I saw the term OC generally as cringy material of Deviantart (late 2000s/early 10s with Sonic, at least that was my first contact with non canon characters)...well, in a negative light that I didn´t understand...

and here I am,dedicating my time to non canon characters for some reason. Whatever.

Anyway,there you have the Fimfiction format, archived and officially there. Hopefully, this ends up better than the last time...

I hope...