Anon 09/24/2020 (Thu) 21:16:57 No.6565 del
Alright, I have already read the whole comic and I am still trying to figure out how I should approach it even though there isn´t a specific requirement for it. In the meantime, I have been wondering about one question related to that picture you have posted.

Did you know about /endpone/ before 2017,CB anon? Particularly May 2016.
Mostly because I was revisiting a few old threads last night and I saw that same image posted in this thread right here (the favorite pony one which has AJ in the OP), namely >>152

Perhaps it´s a coincidence but given that so few people know about this place, I wonder if you were one of those original oldfags (for this board) that had come temporarily from 8kun when the servers migrated over here for a short period.