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(431.59 KB 870x918 festive.png)
Anon 01/14/2016 (Thu) 01:45:36 [Preview] No. 60
Applejack is my favorite pony, who is your favorite pony?

Anon 01/14/2016 (Thu) 20:30:09 [Preview] No. 61 del
(70.28 KB 606x634 1452084012353.gif)
Luna :DDD

Anon 01/15/2016 (Fri) 00:27:29 [Preview] No. 62 del
luna is for fags

Anon 01/15/2016 (Fri) 00:41:27 [Preview] No. 63 del
Lunafag forevah!

Anon 01/15/2016 (Fri) 17:17:12 [Preview] No. 64 del
(76.75 KB 413x413 twishrug.png)
What is there to actually like about luna? (headcannon and comics aside of course)

Anon 01/16/2016 (Sat) 07:03:05 [Preview] No. 65 del

Anon 01/17/2016 (Sun) 22:03:07 [Preview] No. 70 del
What is there to actually like the show?

Anon 01/18/2016 (Mon) 18:29:26 [Preview] No. 75 del
Its absolutely adorable.

Anon 01/22/2016 (Fri) 03:09:33 [Preview] No. 88 del
Why ponka po of course

Anon 04/26/2016 (Tue) 00:26:57 [Preview] No. 127 del
(16.13 MB 1920x1080 full (1).gif)
Nerd horse is best horse

Anon 04/29/2016 (Fri) 16:01:58 [Preview] No. 129 del
(321.78 KB 560x506 1141335.gif)
>Dedicates her life to making others happy
>Raised by a traditional family
>Has 3 equally adorable sisters
>Can break physics on a whim
>Probably has a dick bigger than mine
>Fluffiest mane of them all
>Probably smells like cotton candy

Anon 05/13/2016 (Fri) 01:21:46 [Preview] No. 136 del
Yellow quiet and Rarity are best.

Anon 05/13/2016 (Fri) 01:37:28 [Preview] No. 137 del
(141.32 KB 536x900 n4vRlz9.png)
roseluck is great

Anon 05/13/2016 (Fri) 23:27:39 [Preview] No. 152 del
(601.93 KB 1200x1000 MyLiSerg.png)
>season 6
>still choosing favorites

So, what is this some indirect form of the "Eat one, rape one, burn one to ash" thread?

Purplesmart because she's purple, and smart.
Yellowquiet because she's so soft. So long as you don't try to snuggle against those wings; quills are sharp!
Appul can be my cocksleeve just because I have a thing for big, well-muscled foalbearing hips. That gets me hard.

Anon 05/14/2016 (Sat) 17:29:34 [Preview] No. 153 del
>excluding 9/10ths of the content

In Luna Eclipsed, she was presented as having most of the features her fans ascribed to her -- a little out of touch with where society had drifted to, overbearing and cold, insecure, and a dark sense of humor.

Also, she's pretty. One of the few darker colored ponies, and it matches her preferred demense.

Anon 05/21/2016 (Sat) 19:13:41 [Preview] No. 176 del
I like that worker horse, not that I would dare say others aren't good too

Anon 01/03/2018 (Wed) 16:17:34 [Preview] No.353 del
(257.73 KB 1280x1260 1346798.png)
so many...
I wish I could love them more than words let me

but let´s just post a very unpopular one that was immediately forgotten after Slice of Life

Anon 01/16/2018 (Tue) 21:09:49 [Preview] No.495 del
(206.92 KB 634x480 2332151.jpg)
maybe I like her with an ironic touch, but I've got to admit that she kind of grows on you.
Last year I've had some interest for her,now I find this pony essential: for the show, art and of course, this board.

Anon 01/17/2018 (Wed) 01:58:19 [Preview] No.498 del

I've never disliked Rarity or considered her that annoying. I suppose she has been flanderized to a slight extent over the years, but not too bad and still can shine. She does grow on you that's for sure. Then again, I have know clear favorite amough the core cast, or any of the ponies for that matter

Anon 01/25/2018 (Thu) 16:25:46 [Preview] No.557 del
I do have a favourite princess. She may be unpopular but my eyes cannot get tired of appreaciating her beauty

Anon 01/25/2018 (Thu) 16:26:22 [Preview] No.558 del

Anon 01/25/2018 (Thu) 16:27:21 [Preview] No.559 del
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Anon 01/25/2018 (Thu) 16:28:15 [Preview] No.560 del

Anon 01/25/2018 (Thu) 16:31:37 [Preview] No.561 del
(1.74 MB 1224x1800 79639.png)
majestic and down to earth. She has never caught my attention for special aspects yet, she has remained there for everything over time.

Anon 01/25/2018 (Thu) 21:28:02 [Preview] No.565 del
(1.17 MB 1280x1653 1771778.png)
>majestic and down to earth. She has never caught my attention for special aspects yet, she has remained there for everything over time.

I've always felt a little sorry for Cadence's fans. Though arguably she has faired better then the other pricesses at times in the show's treatment of her (more consistency in the portrayal of her character. Getting to appear in more low stakes fun eps more often) she has't really gotten the strongest attention from the fanbase. Even if she is in a better position then the brief hatedom she got when she first appeared.

Anon 01/25/2018 (Thu) 22:11:01 [Preview] No.566 del
>I've always felt a little sorry for Cadence's fans. Though arguably she has faired better then the other pricesses at times in the show's treatment of her (more consistency in the portrayal of her character. Getting to appear in more low stakes fun eps more often)
She is consistent in terms of being a supporting character and one of those few that has remained the same despite all the changes through the show. You look at the mirror of other characters and you don't see the same ones, yet for her case, she gives the same good vibes. It's pretty ironic because she is not exactly the most loved one out there.

>she has't really gotten the strongest attention from the fanbase. Even if she is in a better position then the brief hatedom she got when she first appeared.

that's what actually happened. There is that funny correlation in which fans loved A Canterlot Wedding (her debut episode) so that must be because of her,right?

Turns out she hasn't been the most appreciated one. All the princess love went to Luna in season 2. When Cadence appeared as an alicorn, they were saying:"Another princess?An alicorn out of nowhere?" so that's why ACW was seen as a mixed bag. Good because of Twilight and Chrysalis but not exactly for the pink subject.

It's sad and she's quite possibly the least elitist (do not count Princess Spike,that ep was badly written in general) princess out of the bunch. There have been constant threads for the sun and moon yet, for love, there was one every month or two back in 2015.

The only ironic love she has received from this fandom is the face in the camera shouting at a person to his screen. That's basically her fame and misfortune.

Anon 02/03/2018 (Sat) 05:49:56 [Preview] No.610 del
(184.55 KB 1024x552 1200642.png)
>The only ironic love she has received from this fandom is the face in the camera shouting at a person to his screen. That's basically her fame and misfortune.

Cadence needs more love.

Anon 02/03/2018 (Sat) 07:04:24 [Preview] No.613 del
(105.79 KB 632x700 1643538.png)
it's ironic. When things deliver love,they don't love them. In reverse,they give a lot of praise and heartwarming feels and they do not represent love at all.

I've noticed this pattern several times. But hey,there is some love behind her after all.

Anon 07/08/2018 (Sun) 03:55:09 [Preview] No.1678 del
(1.93 MB 3400x2200 72684.jpg)
all of them!

Anon 07/08/2018 (Sun) 03:56:35 [Preview] No.1679 del
(54.51 KB 795x898 1775553.jpeg)
It worked...

Anon 07/09/2018 (Mon) 21:37:24 [Preview] No.1693 del
yeah, it worked. I have tested that with the same picture 4 three threads and I wanted to you to see that the change has been made. Mods have listened.

Now, the thing is if we decide to change the bridge word filter at some point when more anons come here and we have to discuss the mascot.

We will see but for now, the R9K message is gone, we can re post what´s been missing after the image disaster.

Anon 12/27/2018 (Thu) 15:03:49 [Preview] No.2934 del

Anon 12/27/2018 (Thu) 15:11:13 [Preview] No.2938 del
(1.37 MB 2048x1522 1664055.png)
these are the ones that I can think of for now.

Anon 12/27/2018 (Thu) 21:09:33 [Preview] No.2940 del
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Anon 12/28/2018 (Fri) 07:01:14 [Preview] No.2941 del
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All the mane6 to a degree. It's honestly really hard to decide though.

Anon 12/28/2018 (Fri) 07:04:57 [Preview] No.2942 del
I mean, I wanna say Twilight but truth is I seem to be found of whoever I read/watch. Often certain characterizations in fan works can be an influence to and cause me to be drawn to one character for awhile. And sometimes I even have issues with some, including ts

Anon 12/28/2018 (Fri) 07:07:36 [Preview] No.2943 del
(257.55 KB 664x1024 4752.jpg)
or even Nightmare Moon.

Anon 12/28/2018 (Fri) 07:11:00 [Preview] No.2944 del
(249.24 KB 404x563 1901429.png)
or Celestia... I feel she is underappreciated, though I have some resevations on her direction/handling of her.

Anon 12/28/2018 (Fri) 07:15:52 [Preview] No.2945 del
(1.23 MB 1280x720 1388111.png)
I sometimes I feel like I should start heavily meming a character from more obscure cannon sources, say earlier comics or novels trading card game what have you, because I feel there is some untapped potential with some of them, take Nightmare Star, the evil pre daybraker version of Celestia from the trading card game.

Anon 12/28/2018 (Fri) 07:20:56 [Preview] No.2946 del
(113.83 KB 477x640 405562.jpeg)
Going further, maybe even running with a extremely minor barely character like yellow over here. Come up with a complete backstory and fanfiction all based on what little information is in this card. If I put effort into it, that could even be my favorite in a way.

Anon 12/28/2018 (Fri) 07:24:20 [Preview] No.2947 del
Truth is I just don't know. I know the mane6 are on top and the cmc and princesses somewhere behind it, but there honestly could be somepony else at anytime who jumps up and takes my fasiation for a time.

Anon 12/28/2018 (Fri) 07:27:32 [Preview] No.2948 del
(239.59 KB 695x1024 1919724.png)
But one pony that cannot be forgoten in this is Dolores. I feel pride for her, but I don't know where she fits.

Anon 12/28/2018 (Fri) 07:29:22 [Preview] No.2949 del
and to say nothing of this cutie would be a crime!

Anon 12/28/2018 (Fri) 07:33:14 [Preview] No.2950 del
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>and don't forget really strange limes!

Anon 12/28/2018 (Fri) 07:35:40 [Preview] No.2951 del
(618.90 KB 1280x720 1906810.png)
Pinkie Pie, did you really have ta rhyme!

Anon 12/28/2018 (Fri) 12:51:53 [Preview] No.2964 del
our mod seems to like humans... and sitting down the benches.

it´s mostly because we haven´t used hem for a story. Not to mention that diving into their huge galleries overwhelms me and I don´t bother on saving stuff save recent pics that I get when they are recently posted. I posted Fluttershy because she´s like the mascot for the Bat Pony thread. The rest have had more or less their importance to a degree but not enough to pick one over the other. Really hard to choose indeed.

Anon 12/28/2018 (Fri) 12:59:48 [Preview] No.2965 del
>I wanna say Twilight but truth is I seem to be found of whoever I read/watch.
yeah. You had written a pseudo shitposting story around her and she was key in your fic, so it means that you dealt with her and dedicated time with her character.

>Often certain characterizations in fan works can be an influence to and cause me to be drawn to one character for awhile.
totally the point of the ones I have picked. Not because they are favorites from the canon content (I like them as well in the show) but because of how much you want to express something by using them as tools or mediums that feel like yours.

>And sometimes I even have issues with some, including ts
I would have lots of issues at writing Pinkie Pie for example. I could write her catchphrases or random stuff but I cannot transmit all that happiness she shows most of the time. I would have to think a lot each time she spoke just to keep the story chill with her presence. The rest of the main characters wouldn´t give me much trouble.

Not to mention that there are not characters on endpone that have caused trouble......yet.

Anon 12/28/2018 (Fri) 13:07:38 [Preview] No.2966 del
well, well that´s a character one would know pretty well by lurking around and reading the stories around her.
>I feel she is underappreciated, though I have some resevations on her direction/handling of her.
this is why I don´t post that much the main characters that much. Not because they are overrated but because they are already exploited by the show and the fanbase. I mean, they are still good and shine a lot just that one wants to bring different material and spotlight.
Horse Play benefited her a lot for writing about slice of life material around her despite having political involvements in the fics posted over here.
She is underappreciated although not to the extent that she was before the 30 million post on /mlp/ or season 7.

I would like to see one more episode about her before this gen 4 train arrives at the last stop.

Anon 12/28/2018 (Fri) 13:20:44 [Preview] No.2967 del
>I sometimes I feel like I should start heavily meming a character from more obscure cannon sources
yeah, filling a spot that never was there. You will have less content to expose but it´s a way to protest that you want more content of that. It´s almost ironic, mememing and making content around what the obscure things you want yet you create it as well....
you have already guessed why I used Amore for the OP in the general or made a story for Novo instead of writing a Skypie story (not to mention that I wouldn´t know how to write the epic momentum everybody would want).

>say earlier comics or novels trading card game what have you, because I feel there is some untapped potential with some of them
yeah, it almost makes you want a spin off show about those secondary characters. Even ones like Pharynx, Sassy or hell even Starswirl don´t get much content around.

>take Nightmare Star, the evil pre daybraker version of Celestia from the trading card game.
yeah, there was a period of hype and speculation around her but at least, that means Daybreaker accomplished her payoff in the canon universe because of how cool an evil version of Celestia would be in the show....and there she is just not in the way they showed with that card. I have my suspicions that Amore could come back to life in the comics whenever the gen ends.

Anon 12/28/2018 (Fri) 13:23:53 [Preview] No.2968 del
>Going further, maybe even running with a extremely minor barely character like yellow over here. Come up with a complete backstory and fanfiction all based on what little information is in this card.
Wow that´s extreme. I would prefer a background pony or sapient species but ok, holy shit if you could actually achieve something with it.

>If I put effort into it, that could even be my favorite in a way.
sweet mother of Celestia, that´s going to advanced shitposting levels that shouldn´t even be possible to reach.

Also, check the quints from this thumbnail.

Anon 12/28/2018 (Fri) 13:37:14 [Preview] No.2970 del
(355.99 KB 959x986 1545009353197.jpg)

Anon 12/28/2018 (Fri) 13:37:38 [Preview] No.2971 del
(245.73 KB 515x799 1538428294991.jpg)

Anon 12/29/2018 (Sat) 05:32:34 [Preview] No.2975 del
> You had written a pseudo shitposting story around her and she was key in your fic, so it means that you dealt with her and dedicated time with her character.
Though I was also sympathetic around season 3 and 4 with those who thought it was too focus around her to a degree So there is a bit of mixed feelings present at times

> but because of how much you want to express something by using them as tools or mediums that feel like yours.
I feel that with several. Especially with more minor characters.

>I would have lots of issues at writing Pinkie Pie for example. I could write her catchphrases or random stuff but I cannot transmit all that happiness she shows most of the time.
I have heard that mentioned in the fandom before often. I remember around season 3 and 4 some fearing the writers were moving down that path. She being a LOL random character over a happy free spirit odd character. See her appearance in One Bad Apple for example.

Anon 12/29/2018 (Sat) 05:39:30 [Preview] No.2976 del
(258.31 KB 1404x1472 1920990.jpeg)
>She is underappreciated although not to the extent that she was before the 30 million post on /mlp/ or season 7.

>Not because they are overrated but because they are already exploited by the show and the fanbase. I mean, they are still good and shine a lot just that one wants to bring different material and spotlight.
My thoughts as well. Isn't even that I won't touch the mane6 either (obviously) but that it is interesting to explore the margins such as Bat Cadence.

Anon 12/29/2018 (Sat) 05:43:15 [Preview] No.2977 del
(99.52 KB 987x900 1919208.jpeg)
>I would like to see one more episode about her before this gen 4 train arrives at the last stop.
Yeah. It actually be nice to have something within her POV. My thoughts on her are more organized now, though it'd take a post or two to fully explain and a bit of reseacrh for citations, so I'll wait till post 3000 post before I do any of that.

Anon 12/29/2018 (Sat) 05:50:47 [Preview] No.2978 del
(618.97 KB 1280x720 1822058.png)
>. You will have less content to expose but it´s a way to protest that you want more content of that. It´s almost ironic, mememing and making content around what the obscure things you want yet you create it as well....
That's the spirit of the fandom with all of our ascended background characters I'm looking at you Trixie

>you have already guessed why I used Amore for the OP in the general or made a story for Novo instead of writing a Skypie story
It's quite fitting for us honestly. The tiniest mlp related chan that's actually active focusing on more marginal characters.

Anon 12/29/2018 (Sat) 05:59:32 [Preview] No.2979 del
(143.57 KB 900x1000 296.jpg)
>yeah, it almost makes you want a spin off show about those secondary characters. Even ones like Pharynx, Sassy or hell even Starswirl don´t get much content around.
You bet. One point on Stairwirl is that I feel like he is stuck in limbo. Too many problems to invovle him in the plot, yet too inconvenient that he's here now and can't be ignored. Honestly, it would've been far cooler if we got to meet the pillars purely through flashbacks. Perhaps from the Princesses point of view. Would've killed 2 birds with one stone rather than have them here with us somewhat awkwardly and given extreme fan service.

Anon 12/29/2018 (Sat) 06:03:57 [Preview] No.2980 del
(819.83 KB 1280x662 1458933.jpeg)
>yeah, there was a period of hype and speculation around her but at least, that means Daybreaker accomplished her payoff in the canon universe because of how cool an evil version of Celestia would be in the show....and there she is just not in the way they showed with that card.
I actually find it more fun in a way. As it gives us two offical evil Celestia's to work with! At it's undertaped as well.

Anon 12/29/2018 (Sat) 06:10:10 [Preview] No.2981 del
(1.04 MB 620x1024 1848155.png)
>I have my suspicions that Amore could come back to life in the comics whenever the gen ends.
Could be interesting or retarded The Crystal Empire has it's own deep history and lore. Hey it'd be cool to finally meet her. I hope the comics do it in a mysterious way though, if that makes any sense.

Anon 12/29/2018 (Sat) 06:19:35 [Preview] No.2982 del
(91.67 KB 734x1024 518922.jpeg)
>Wow that´s extreme. I would prefer a background pony or sapient species but ok, holy shit if you could actually achieve something with it.
It'd been fun to see if I could pull off. I've entertained stuff like that for a good while. Even if not taking a character, but a concept from a more obscure one off portrayal of something (again such as enterplay cards). Could be fun.

>sweet mother of Celestia, that´s going to advanced shitposting levels that shouldn´t even be possible to reach.
I've alrandy achieved ultimate irony levels with anthro sonic, and...

>Also, check the quints from this thumbnail.
those quints maybe a sign. Quints of truth perhaps.

Anon 12/29/2018 (Sat) 17:26:37 [Preview] No.3010 del
>I was also sympathetic around season 3 and 4 with those who thought it was too focus around her to a degree So there is a bit of mixed feelings present at times

disagree with the season 4 part,mostly because she´s only had the opener, the finale and Three´s A Crowd as material that focuses on her specifically. Not even Twilight Time has her as the main character despite having her name in the episode.

But yeah,it´s a combination of everything in reality.

>I feel that with several. Especially with more minor characters.
mostly because they are not as overused and have more fuel left to imagine something around them.

>I remember around season 3 and 4 some fearing the writers were moving down that path.
well, I repeat those thoughts as well. I can to a degree write when she is not as random but that behavior kind of deviates the ideas because she as a character, drives the organic dialogue to what she wants with her appearance. Much less these days, but for the most part, she offer that.

>I won't touch the mane6 either (obviously) but that it is interesting to explore the margins such as Bat Cadence.
hence I have posted the princesses before anyone else.

>My thoughts on her are more organized now, though it'd take a post or two to fully explain and a bit of reseacrh for citations
>so I'll wait till post 3000 post before I do any of that.
start whenever you want because we all can take a break. /endpone/ has passed the barrier before the end of 2018 (with 2 days before the deadline), so now,one can enjoy pure liberty all over again fortunately.

Anon 12/29/2018 (Sat) 17:44:01 [Preview] No.3011 del
(99.27 KB 894x894 1853993.jpg)
>That's the spirit of the fandom with all of our ascended background characters I'm looking at you Trixie
Trixie has gone from a one trick pony to a relevant secondary character that drives entire plots around her. Not to mention that while I didn´t get her hype, in season 6 she showed up an entire resurrection in almost every way.
I highly doubt many characters get that treatment but fortunately enough, barely anyone is absolutely forgotten around this show.

>The tiniest mlp related chan that's actually active focusing on more marginal characters.
really fitting, even though we are shitposting about a princess that...committed mistakes under her reign.

>One point on Stairwirl is that I feel like he is stuck in limbo. Too many problems to invovle him in the plot, yet too inconvenient that he's here now and can't be ignored.
mostly like Celestia before season 7 again. It feels like passing the plotholes to other characters until the last pays for them.

>Honestly, it would've been far cooler if we got to meet the pillars purely through flashbacks. Perhaps from the Princesses point of view. Would've killed 2 birds with one stone rather than have them here with us somewhat awkwardly and given extreme fan service.
reviving him was pure fansevice introduced very subtly with 6 more characters that surround him, even though they have gone full independent of their past and moved on. Although I am not too worried about him, mostly because there is not much drama these days for that because his virtue involves intelligence and not power (precisely) nor he admits he is perfect. Friendship University exists just to put his hooves in the floor and leave his ego aside. Not even the most experienced one can avoid the trickery and lies of this world.

>As it gives us two offical evil Celestia's to work with! At it's undertaped as well.
*thinking Lyra
this makes wonder if there is NSFW material between these two...hmmm

Anon 12/29/2018 (Sat) 17:56:45 [Preview] No.3012 del
>Could be interesting or retarded The Crystal Empire has it's own deep history and lore. Hey it'd be cool to finally meet her.
The Crystal Empire by itself didn´t bring anything interesting. Not to mention that the writers would set up that place because of the seasonal toy that Hasbro wanted. I cannot deny it changed the direction of this show because it started the enlargement of Equestria. It started to get relevant when Spike brought a couple of lessons over there and in season 6 with Thorax and Sunburst. It´s a pretty mundane place in terms of happenings but at least, it´s got the Paris design.

I hope we can meet her too but these two images barely bring any hope for that option.
>I hope the comics do it in a mysterious way though, if that makes any sense.
I don´t know how they will apply it. If you ask me, I wouldn´t do it much better.

>I've entertained stuff like that for a good while. Even if not taking a character, but a concept from a more obscure one off portrayal of something (again such as enterplay cards). Could be fun.
Definitely I am bringing the popcorn over here.

>I've alrandy achieved ultimate irony levels with anthro sonic, and...
he cannot keep getting away with it!

>those quints maybe a sign. Quints of truth perhaps.
the truth is, will the end someday reach them? Too difficult and way too much to even consider them for a few posters.But yeah, we have the Queen´s approval.

Anon 01/03/2019 (Thu) 00:10:34 [Preview] No.3103 del
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Anon 01/03/2019 (Thu) 00:11:28 [Preview] No.3104 del
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Anon 01/03/2019 (Thu) 18:46:48 [Preview] No.3111 del
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Sleepy trips?

Anon 01/04/2019 (Fri) 01:03:18 [Preview] No.3116 del
(158.03 KB 1442x750 1921917.jpeg)
sleepy trips. I am checking them inside your dreams.

Anon 01/05/2019 (Sat) 08:35:18 [Preview] No.3130 del
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Anon 08/30/2019 (Fri) 23:37:07 [Preview] No.4512 del
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