Anon 05/15/2021 (Sat) 17:47:37 No.7572 del
(2.09 MB 1920x1437 NotQ-vore_PnyThr.jpg)
are any of you familiar with "poetry"? How about the villanelle? I listened to a podcast recently that mentioned it, though I'd heard it before, and named as your writing "homework" to write your own poem.
Uhm ... here you go?

a noise made -- locate that!
packed and encamped, a trek for hell.
both ponies and there we sat.

treasure interdimensionally, we assumed they were right
straight outta Doom, portal tech's might.
A noise made -- locate that!

A thousand steps starting in the middle of nowhere
technical intereference, rules & laws only in this sphere.
both ponies and there we sat.

Men? Mice? Found our packs and off we trek.

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