Anon 08/07/2021 (Sat) 16:21:57 No.7768 del
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>The other couple. She remembered now.
>They had met a pony stallion taking his lady friend out for a date.
>Human lady friend.

> Her eyes fell to the table, noting the weave of the tablecloth's silken pattern.
> Would it really have been that easy?
>"Now that I'm not a filly, I'm sorry I hurt you, those years ago."
>When she looked up, Anon was crying freely, though his expression was motionless.
>Cold, like the snake decorations of his dojo from the human lands.

>"Anon, you can write to me. Maybe … in enough years, I'll be available again."
>"But for now, I have a coltfriend, and he's"
>RIGHT OVER THERE, politely waiting and looking out of place for it.


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