Anon 08/10/2021 (Tue) 19:17:23 No.7778 del
(82.38 KB 800x618 TraditionalKirin.jpg)
(102.48 KB 643x800 CutescaledQirin.jpg)
(43.67 KB 800x533 Twi-as-Kirin.jpg)
(73.52 KB 800x594 Fierce+Fabulous.jpg)
(81.71 KB 800x466 galloping.jpg)
>How long was the horsewords for this and what do you intent to do with it?

Honestly, this was about it. The setup for ... whatever came after, and the day they met. I liked the setting, of pre-season-whatever qirin, and humans, and ponies about to mill about in each other's cities. It seemed like a good backdrop for a old fashioned kung-fu movie. But once I write these two GTs down it sorta ... lost momentum.

I think occasionally of picking it up again. But I haven't, yet.