Anon 08/31/2021 (Tue) 04:41:32 No.7825 del
>No. Sorry, did you read the g-doc where I laid out the setting?
I think I did but it was awhile ago so I forgot. Sorry.

> that's just how women are put together so get your mind out of the gutter and
To be fair to myself, I thought that was anon being crass and endearing in his own way and I didn't catch that till I read the first part here. The fact that is completely innocent makes me feel kind of bad for your character, as it is a cute name regardless.

>The "inn's" proprietor has been burned to a pile of ash, with just the hooves and a bit of forelock falling outside the circle of destruction.
Okay, that makes sense. Part of the problem is me reviewing this without full context of the story it seems.
>If it squicks the natives that much, they'll assume nothing is actually happening.
>So long as the pair don't give the impression anything more is happening.
>The door bursts open. Intruding on the private room are two white pegasi
>Wearing metal uniforms.
>"We're her about some noise complaints." The one on the left all but demands.
>"Come outside right now." the one to your right adds.
>"We need to talk to you about what happened last night."

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