Anon 04/27/2022 (Wed) 10:52:01 No.8227 del
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Glanced through some of the fic and honestly...

''Twilight’s morning routine always involved checklists. Because there were so many documents to sign, and she was supposed to, expected to know what they were about. Though Celestia had filtered most of these so there wasn’t likely to be any vast surprises but she couldn’t rubber stamp them, either.

She had finally arranged the work documents into piles of ’could nearly rubberstamp’, ’I need to read these for mistakes and dangers’ and a small stack of ’need understanding before
reading because the existence of these papers confuses me’ when there was a yellow ”Meep!” that
accelerated towards her through a window.

As Fluttershy landed, Twilight realized how small that window was. Friends with wings were allowed some leeway about ”doors” but, given the speed and how this particular pegasus wasn’t accustomed to fine motor control needed to thread a maze such as that window, Twilight gathered
the idea this was critically important, and let thought of paperwork be driven from her mind.

The yellow pegasus looked frightened, which was not in itself uncommon but gave approximate directions to the problem. Fluttershy looked wide-eyed at the princess, blinked, looked away, swallowed, and managed to look back. ”There’s a” She faltered, eyes searching the corners of the room behind Twilight for answers
before the suggested ”Visitor. To my property.”

Fluttershy’s look of quiet desperation hadn’t lessened, so Twilight tried coaxing a few extra
details. ”What tribe?” That got a brief look of confusion before a head-shake, and an expectant

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