Anon 10/31/2023 (Tue) 08:26 No.8861 del
(716.62 KB 1992x5000 BaconOrPeppermintDolor.png)
And upon further inspection I think I got the timing wrong on the gif. I thought it was just my netbook being slow with rendering the gif but >>8855 does indeed seem to be too slow.

>It is not convenient for me to listen to these tracks at this time but:
And now I have, certainly not my style of music. That sort of concert I imagine would be pretty weird.

> Deavas_ILostMyMuffin_(SeasameSt-paro).mp3
This one might be the most real. Derpy is pretty violent when she loses her muffins.

>>8858 (cross post note)
>is that everything there, is you
Meant to bold this, not spoiler. Forgetting that on endchan the double '*' is not bold.