Anon 12/22/2023 (Fri) 02:08 No.9100 del
Last night I had a dream that it was daytime and Lauren Faust and I were basically watching some MLP movie together, with other people sitting nearby and watching too I guess. After that Lauren and I walked and talked together. (Dream not perfectly described, other details missing and stuff.)

>It does in fact work after replacing "sh -c" with "bash -c".
Problem with "...bash -c..." that " -c..." doesn't have: "bash -c" sometimes or always puts the loop in the background and may also disown it before doing that.
>one big CAR file
I went with that solution. If I gotta do something like that again, maybe I'll try different solutions.

Index of "" at QmPGcYEfWvcrRW8u7TpuUgtxT44XaHtfRe2SSZ1YvazC8r:

Also, I have tens of gigabytes of YouTube data, looks like I will be spliting it into ~50 GiB folders and making hash trees based on those 50-GiB-or-less splits. Images from these links (in QmPG...zC8r):