Lifestylist 05/10/2017 (Wed) 01:37:50 No. 35 del
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Pedophilia has personally effected my ability to express my personal political theory of libre.I hate and do not support advocate or allow pedophilia. Pedophila is not libre. Unfortunatly people have abused this notion of freedom and made a chan to post kids and since then libre has been tainted by theses people. Now I know their abomination chan was shut down but that means people search out the word libre and see chan in the url and see my libre treatises on reddit tumbler and 8chan and they think it has to do with some hive of sexual predators. They think freedom means avoiding capture under the appreciation of freedom. They abuse freeedom they ARE NOT LIBRE The notion of freedom has been trampled on. I try to portray how the modern human is in a state of libre and then I say how humans shall not be shackled by restrictions. Every single time I try and express libre they think of librechan and the word libre itself has become a pizza code word of sorts. Why not I change the name? Because I am not going to be shackled by this though to be honest it has made it a problem I do not want to make a board called /libre/ because I dont want to wake up to naked kids on my answer to fixing society. An open sourced inclusive world community with the top layer of those without fear. This of course is a consortium of maniacs and is like the ripely's believe it or not meets life size statues like the silver surfer the true elite. You do not disrespect le libre with your petty groping of children. That is like taking a cage and calling it libre these swine that fondle. These swine that fondle are not libre. I am appalled.