Lifestylist 05/10/2017 (Wed) 04:34:22 No. 37 del
> They abuse freeedom they ARE NOT LIBRE

Apparently there is some history and different terminology at play here, but as I see it, you only accept a mutual freedom as freedom? Like, your reasons for why people acting freely isn't 'libre' is because others are not free?

I don't really accept any bit of this. If we force the (((bad))) people to abide by rules (i.e. to be domesticated, to be submissive and dominated internally by a plethora of geists, etc.), this opens the door for all sorts of oppression on anyone. And not even just this weak slippery slope argument, but honestly I worry about being among the first on the cutting block. Because who else is universally hated? The anti-social people, the maniacs, the amoral ones, and so on. So fuck your "libre". I want freedom.

> I almost had to leave the country they are framing leftists with this pedo shit.

Then maybe stop being a leftist...