Anonymous 09/06/2019 (Fri) 13:20:02 No.1782 del
Yes, it does.
I have 2 thoughts/theories on this atm;
1. If they we're doing some sort of abuse/mind control shit to him at his school-perhaps that is the reason he began breaking into his school within the last year? It sounds a little weak but I'm trying to find sane answers to an insane event.
2. (And this is more of an observation than a theory)-He killed 5 people with a 9mm handgun (allegedly)...that counts as a mass shooting/mass murder because it took place at one location at 4 or more people were shot/killed. Yet we've heard not a peep from the MSM or the Left about "muh gun control could've prevented this" or some such nonsense...does it not fit the narrative? Just batting ideas around here.
I'd like to do some more digging on the step-mother (just because of her occupation & proximity to the kid)...but I've gotta crash in just a few minutes (worked 12hrs overnight, got off at 0600, gotta be back at 1800 to work another 12hrs...I'll be lucky to get 4 hours of sleep...but ugh, I feel like progress is being made here!