Anonymous 09/09/2019 (Mon) 00:44:52 No.2258 del
I understand that putting what they do in our face, by acting it out or other means, we see but do not yell stop or whatever they consider trying to stop them. Therefore the warped minds consider we give them permission.

It is like they do not have humanity, possible reptilian, or fallen angel beings.

I find it curious when elite speak, sometimes they call themselves humans as if we would not know that. My take is they are not human and feel the need to express that.

I have human friends and we do not tell each other we are human.

Remember Obama on a talk show, telling the women hosts about ‘our’ reptilian brains on the view. Dumb Whoopie Cushion asked him ‘what are we’?

Was Obama kidding or was he let us know what he was?