Anonymous 07/12/2023 (Wed) 01:42 Id: ab32a1 No.130000 del
NATO flexes muscle to protect Vilnius summit near Russia, Belarus
By Andrius Sytas
July 9, 2023

Vilnius becomes heavily-defended bastion for summit
Allies chip in advanced weaponry to defend NATO leaders
Venue is just 32 km (20 miles) from border with Belarus
Allies send troops, jets, air defence, artillery, police
Lithuania leader wants NATO to defend Baltic skies permanently

NATO has turned Vilnius into a fortress defended by advanced weaponry to protect U.S. President Joe Biden and other alliance leaders meeting next week only 32 km (20 miles) from Lithuania's razor-wire topped border fence with Russian ally Belarus.

Sixteen NATO allies have sent a total of about 1,000 troops to safeguard the July 11-12 summit, which will take place only 151 km (94 miles) from Russia itself. Many are also providing advanced air defence systems which the Baltic states lack.

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