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‘Exploring Tritium’s Danger’: a book review By Robert Alvarez | Jun 26, 2023

“No matter how it is taken into the body,” a fact sheet from the Energy Dept’s Argonne Natl. Lab says, “tritium is uniformly distributed through all biological fluids within 1-2 hrs.” During that short time, the Defense Nuclear Facility Safety Board points out that “the combination of a rapid intake and a short biological half-life means a large fraction of the radiological dose is acutely delivered within hrs to days…”

William MacBride, UCLA Vice Chair for Research in Radiation, Principal Investigator of UCLA’s Center for Medical Countermeasures Against Radiation — Natl. Institutes of Health, Jan 27, 2014. See: [Embed]

...The tritium overview. Evidence is mounting not just in regard to increased health risks from tritium-contaminated water and from organically bound tritium, but also as relates to the harm tritium can visit on the unborn. At the same time, it has become clear that regulation of tritium in the United States is grossly insufficient to the current risk from tritium contamination, not to mention future risks that could arise if tritium production, use, and associated leakage rise. Arjun Makhijani provides a useful roadmap for sparing workers and the public from the dangers this pernicious contaminant will pose in the future, absent more effective regulation that includes lower limits for human tritium exposure.