Biden Regime To Ban Gas Generators As Planned Power Grid Attack Announced By State-run Media Anonymous 07/20/2023 (Thu) 17:37 Id: 76dcd4 No.130304 del
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Biden Regime To Ban Gas Generators As Planned Power Grid Attack Announced By State-run Media

Over the past two months, we've all seen the CIA-directed corporate media roll out stories claiming a power grid blackout is coming to America. Through predictive programming, they've already cast blame for this event on "right-wing extremists" whom the media has somehow concluded will attack power substations across the nation, plunging large regions of America into darkness.

This is all government propaganda, of course. A grid down false flag operation is being planned, indeed, but it will likely be carried out by the FBI and elements of the deep state in order to blame America's oppressed disgruntled victims. No group in America runs more terrorist operations that the FBI, the same agency responsible for the attempted kidnapping of Michigan Gov. Whitmer, the attempting bombing of a Cleveland bridge, and the J6 "fedsurrection" honey pot trap.

Now comes news that the Biden administration plans to outlaw 95% of gasoline generators sold at retail, ensuring that Americans have no access to backup generators when the power grid is brought down by an FBI false-flag attack against America.

A proposed Consumer Product Safety Commission rule limits the amount of carbon monoxide a product can emit, with the commission admitting that 95 percent of portable gas generators on the market cannot comply with its new standard. As a result, industry leaders say, the rule will prompt widespread generator shortages, as manufacturers only have six months to design generators that meet the proposed regulation. That process normally takes years...

So the Biden regime, which has already carried out an illegal coup against the United States of America, is revving up an engineered power grid blackout event while banning 95% of gas generators just to make sure nobody can generate their own electricity.

Why would the illegitimate Biden regime be planning to take down America's power grid while making sure that people can't generate their own power? And why is this rule being pushed so that it goes into effect in just six months?

Only through such extreme circumstances will most people surrender to government authority and give up their liberties in exchange for the illusion of security. When the power grid goes down, banks won't function and the internet will be offline. (Cryptocurrency won't function either, which is why it's smart to have gold, silver - any basic essentials and barter items readily available.)

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