Anonymous 07/20/2023 (Thu) 17:38 Id: 76dcd4 No.130305 del
OFF-GRID EVERYTHING: Assets, medicine, food, electricity. Don't depend on central authorities to grant you permission. Have your own means:

Meanwhile. We are living in the last days of the American Empire, a nation taken over by an Anti-American suicidal freedom-hating cult. The No. 1 weapon of this falling empire - the US dollar - has been targeted for termination by most of the other powerful nations across the planet, including China, India, Saudi Arabia, Brazil and Russia:

It turns out that no one likes to be hit with weaponization of the currency, and with the US government regime under Biden, the bullying tactics of the American empire are convincing other nations to abandon the dollar and build their own systems for international financial settlement.

That's why next month - August, 2023 - BRICS nations are meeting and announcing what is reported to be a gold-backed cryptocurrency.