Anonymous 07/23/2023 (Sun) 15:16 Id: 1b30e1 No.130341 del
And I also own some "quality" stainless steel items that were manufactured in the last 5 years in China. They were not priced in the 'Cheap and Nasty' bracket.

These items do nothing more than live in a kitchen or out under the pergola and get wet with clean water. With Plain water. And they rust. Prolifically.

So it seems that since the 1970s, we have managed to figure out how to make Fraud Stainless at a price point above actual stainless (inflation adjusted).

We are now living in a comprehensive illusion of what is quality. I'm starting to wonder if there are any products being produced today that are genuinely superior to those produced 30+ years ago.

Todays standard grade products would be regarded as Defective in the economy of pre-1990s.

NOTE: Everything will get worst. Anything old you have of quality you should keep and hold onto. It will become invaluable someday.

Tossing all the low-quality goods in the landfill and replacing them with even lower quality goods is now the global model of "growth."