Good! Kenya Refuses To Be Data Harvesting Guinea Pigs To Globalist WorldCoin ID Mark of the Beast Anonymous 08/09/2023 (Wed) 13:31 Id: e8f8e7 No.130776 del
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Good! Kenya Refuses To Be Data Harvesting Guinea Pigs To Globalist WorldCoin ID Mark of the Beast

The Kenyan Ministry of the Interior last week suspended the controversial tech firm WorldCoin and any similar entities from operating in the country.

Co-founded by OpenAI's Sam Altman, WorldCoin offers free crypto tokens worth roughly $50 to people willing to have their eyeballs scanned by a device called the Orb.

"Relevant security, financial services and data protection agencies have commenced inquiries and investigations to establish the authenticity and legality of the aforesaid activities, the safety and protection of the data being harvested, and how the harvesters intend to use the data," reads a statement from the Ministry issued last week.

Kenyan Cabinet Secretary Alfred Mutua was enraged over the technology, saying in a statement: "Let us support the stoppage of Kenyans being used as guinea pigs and their data being harvested.

"You have to ask yourself why your eyes are being scanned and information gathered. What does it mean and what will it mean to you and your offspring?"

Another CS, Kithure Kindiki, assured citizens that the government would undertake all measures to ensure public safety and the integrity of financial transactions involving so many citizens.

That said, WorldCoin technically hasn't broken any Kenyan laws - which, we imagine, is one of the reasons it was rolled out there.

In response to the ban, WorldCoin co-founder Alex Blania claimed that the company's intentions are above board.

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