Anonymous 08/10/2023 (Thu) 02:02 Id: ac272d No.130788 del

🇺🇸 Phoenix Ash Ultra Incarnate 🇺🇸
In 2015, Cynthia Viteri and Villavicencio sent secret documents to WikiLeaks showing that Ecuador was using an Italian company to run a surveillance program that was spying on journalists and political enemies, in addition to spying on Julian Assange in the embassy.

Now ya know why the CIA sends hit squads to eliminate threats to their empire!!! This machine is running full steam ahead with no brakes and no brain

Absolutely. And Mike Pence himself went to Ecuador and gave Lenín Moreno an IMF loan to renege on Julian’s asylum. Prior to Moreno, they booted Rafael Correa and his vice president, Jorge Glas whom they imprisoned and who died there. Were riots in Ecuador for months. No news.

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